Are Your Employees Seeing the Bigger Picture?

While touring the NASA space centre in 1962, John F. Kennedy walked past a man holding a broom. Without realising that it was the janitor, the President approached the man and said, “Hi, I’m Jack Kennedy . What do you do here?” The janitor replied, “Well Mr. President, I’m helping put a man on the moon.” […]

Even When There is No Rooster, the Morning Will Still Start

*African proverb A couple of months ago I found myself spending the night in a rather quaint village just off the coast of Cornwall in England. There I did something I hadn’t done in a long time: I woke up at the crack of dawn, no thanks to the pesky rooster perched right outside my […]

The ABC’s of Writing an Effective Technical Report

Technical reports are vital to the continuous improvement efforts of any manufacturing organisation. However, the task of preparing these reports often fall into the hands of employees who would much rather be doing the work rather than writing about it. Hence, these reports are often inadequate, unfit for purpose, or worse, misleading. Here are three tips to […]

The One Thing On Job Production Trainers MUST Know

The use of a buddy system to train new production employees is a long-standing teaching method utilised in manufacturing shop floors. The buddy system is a no-frills, no-nonsense approach to getting newbies up to speed: simply pair them up with experienced operators to let them gain familiarity with the tasks at hand. Whether your plant […]